Nej's Natterings

Friday, September 14, 2007

The green vote

Seriously, are the Conservatives trying to not get elected?

Cos there's no way it'll happen now. Have you seen the whole green tax stuff they're talking about now? Huge levies on "gas-guzzling" cars, huge increases on plane taxes, bans on electronic equipment (like Plasma TVs) that use too much power. No new runways at any airports, an even higher rate of road tax (only for 4x4s apparantly despite the fact, as I've mentioned before, if you look at the current Band G of the top polluting cars, out of nearly 500 vehicles, only about 100 are 4x4s).

And some further daftness like ensuring walking, cycling and public transport are the priorities for for any planning process for new neighbourhoods. Have they not learnt? This will increase pollution, as the car is then stuck in traffic jams. Remove all the bloody bus lanes instead, and then marvel at how the traffic is moving freely and not spitting out tons of CO2 stuck in jams, whilst there is an empty lane beside them.

Now these aren't policy yet - merely recommendations from a report. But does that actually matter? People won't remember what is policy and what is under consideration, they'll just remember that it was talked about so they'd better steer clear.

So, in summary, the policy they are considering is: Tax loads more, make our journeys more miserable, remove all our nice things, and stop us from going on holiday.

Hmmm, that'll work.

Still, tucked away at the bottom of the report was that they would abolish the pointless, expensive Home Information Packs. That alone might make it worth voting for them.

And in an interesting statement, the Department of Taxing Cars said that they had saved enough CO2 to fill about 80,000 double-decker buses by people doing their car-tax online and not driving to the post office. Something I'm sure I learned in school though, is that gas expands to fill any available space. So I can also claim that by walking to the shops one day rather than driving, I saved enough CO2 to fill the new Wembley Stadium a million times over. They should give me a medal or something.


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