Nej's Natterings

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Taken our advice, ladies? Now DIE!

For years we've been told that drinking a glass or two of red wine per day is good for you, cutting the risk of strokes, and helping to prevent heart disease.

But, unfortunately, they neglected to tell you about the part where you get breast cancer instead.

Chalk up another great victory for the scientists.

I really wonder why we should listen to these guys. They do tons of research on something, then a few years later turn around and say "oh, sorry, we forgot about this bit and now you're all going to die."

So I'm really looking forward to the firing up of the Large Hadron Collider later on this year, where scientists will either learn about the origins of the universe, or create a black hole that the Earth will be sucked into.


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