Nej's Natterings

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Life on Mars

No, not the fantastic TV show that finished on Tuesday, but rather the fact that there isn't any life on Mars the planet.

And if there isn't any life on Mars the planet, then how come it is also suffering from Global Warming(TM)?

Yes, that's correct. The temperature on Mars is also increasing. So, what we are left with now is two neighbouring planets, both warming up. One has people and jumbo jets, one doesn't. A rather simple exercise in deduction would show that the people are not the cause here, something else is.

And that something, unsuprisingly, is probably the Sun. No, not the newspaper, but the celestial body. It's amazing; somehow this unimaginably vast (it makes up 99% of all matter in the solar system) ball of exploding hydrogen in the sky with a core temperature of millions of Kelvins, manages to influence the temperature! Astonishing! How does it do it?!

The correlation between sunspots and temperatures on Earth (and Mars) is well known, but for some reason not widely publicised by tax-raising politicians.

I can't imagine why.


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