Nej's Natterings

Thursday, August 02, 2007

I love you, Virgin Media!

As I am quick to point out the shortcomings of corporations, I feel it only fair to point out the good as well. And today, Virgin Media were very good indeed.

A few days ago I wrote about how I was angry with them regarding my bill. The short version is that my monthly charges increased from £59 to £71.50. When I called to find out why it was because I had been on a discounted deal which had now finished. They offered me the same for £61 which I wasn't happy about; not so much because of the extra £2, but simply because it was more than I had been paying. It's the principle of the thing, y'know?

Anyway, this morning I called them back and said I would take their £61 offer. The man indicated that it was no problem. I then asked if I could add the free evening calls package for an extra £3.95 per month. Again, this was no problem and he put me on hold whilst he typed and clicked.

He then came back on the line and said "Good news!". I waited anxiously to hear what could be good about my bill being increased, but then he hit me with the amazing part: "Because you added this extra phone service I can give you a bigger discount, and you can have all of it, including the extra phone service, for £48.45".


"So by taking more services - and costing you more money - you will give it to me for much less?"
"Er, yes," said the man. "The lady you spoke to before probably should have offered you a better deal anyway."

So, my love for Virgin Media has been restored. And when he said that he'd give me a £38 credit on my last bill (that had the higher charges), I was ready to have his babies, and those of Sir Richard of Branson, should medical science make it possible.

But, it's a bit daft, isn't it??!!


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