Nej's Natterings

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Get this: Some poor girl, a mere 18 years old and excited to be leaving education and striding forth to make her mark on the world, applied for a job at some government department. I'm not sure which one; something to do with the environment I'm sure, as that's what all the departments are for these days. The Department of Dealing With Floods Really Badly probably.

Anyway, she was turned down for the job because... you won't believe this... no, seriously, you won't... she was white and English. And this was against the guidelines.

Apparently, it is actually now illegal to be English and white in the largely white country of England. Words fail me. Even more astonishing, is that Welsh and Scottish people could apply! It's not enough that the Scots get all of our taxes, and run our parliament, but now you cannot apply for a job unless you are Scottish (or some other ethnic minority - since when are the bloody Scots an ethnic minority!), or Welsh, or Asian, or black, or Eastern European etc etc.

I'm seriously beginning to despair for the future of my kids. If they manage to avoid turning into Chavs, or getting murdered, then they'll not be able to get a job because they are English and white.


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