Nej's Natterings

Monday, June 04, 2007


No, I haven't died. I've just been really busy.

We've come across an interesting dilemma at home. As I might have mentioned, we're looking at moving to get Joe into a decent primary school (i.e. not on a council estate).

But then I was thinking; what about private school? I had dismissed it as being too expensive. It still is, but by moving our mortgage to interest-only whilst he's at the school (and then possibly extending the remaining term by a few more years), we could afford it without too much of a problem.

I reckon moving house would cost £20k, and the total fees for private junior school would come to £40k. This can be looked at in two ways: 1) It's twice as much, you're mad! 2) You're half-way there already, why not do it?

It's a real tough question to answer, this. Move and waste £20k (and move Jess further away from her high school), or stay, spend more and send him private, in the knowledge that he'd get into Jess's high school should he fail to get into a grammar school (which would be far more likely from a private junior school).

Tough decision. Can somebody make it for me, please?


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