Nej's Natterings

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Ignore the experts

If there is one piece of advice I could give to anyone, it would be this: Ignore the experts.

For centuries, science (and religion, for that matter) has insisted it is right in many areas. As a result, people and governments make huge shifts in their lifestyles and policies, with far-reaching consequences. And then, a few years down the line, it turns out that they were wrong after all.

The earth is flat. Oops, sorry, it's not.
The sun revolves around the earth. Whoops, changed our minds.
Cigarettes are good for you. Ok, maybe they cause cancer.
The atom is the smallest thing in the universe. Oh dear, we seem to have broken one and found all sorts of other crap inside.
Tea is good/bad/good/bad/good/bad/good for you. Pick your month.
And then today; Vitamin supplements actually increase the risk of a premature death.

Great, so all those people diligently following the advice of the scientists and doctors are now more likely to die early.

And they somehow expect us to believe them about our effect on Global Warming(TM)?


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