Nej's Natterings

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Not pleasant reading

A couple of weeks ago, Ele decided that as we both are the correct weight for our respective heights - but only if we are pregnant hippos rather than humans - that we could do with losing some weight.

I groaned at this, naturally, envisaging a diet of lettuce leaves and early morning runs around the park.

Fortunately, she had a far better idea. A special "Slimming Tea" from the Chinese Medicine shop. Now I'm naturally skeptical of these sorts of things, especially when I discovered that two months' supply was to cost about £40, but the woman in the shop explained that you don't have to do any exercise or any dieting. At hearing this, my wallet pinged open and a transaction was done, although I did have nagging doubts that the reason it would work was because you now couldn't actually afford to buy any food.

So we tried this tea. You don't add milk, of course, but I am adding a sugar to it, as otherwise I would not be able to drink it. At first, the taste was horrible but now I'm getting used to it. You only have to drink it once per day, so it's not too bad.

It is now that I should inform you to stop reading, because it gets rather disgusting from here.

But now I have discovered the way in which it works. To put it crudely; it makes you shit. I'm now going to the toilet about 3 or 4 times per day to empty myself of runny brown stuff. And it smells bad. Worse than normal, I mean.

But it does seem to work. I have lost some weight since I started drinking the stuff, and so has Ele.

And we don't have to diet, so I'm happy with that.


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