Nej's Natterings

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Happy non-denominational, seasonal celebrations, everybody!

Today I read that a primary school has rebranded their Christmas party as a "Winter Celebration" in order to avoid offending anybody in the "current climate".

I don't know what the weather has to do with it, so I suspect that they are referring to world affairs.

I don't know many six year olds who keep up with domestic and foreign policy, the situation in Iraq and the antics of Al-Qaeda, so I presume this particular school dishes out copies of The Times to it's pupils every day.

To put it another way: The kids don't care. They care about Christmas. To them it's the most exciting time of the year. To take it away from them is stupid and mean. And you know what? The school has only 6% "ethnic minorities". Did they even ask the parents if they were offended? I bet not, and I bet the parents would be happy for their kids to attend a Christmas party. And if a couple weren't? Sorry, but 2 out of three-hundred is not reason to change anything. It's called majority rule.

So why take it away? Who does it offend? I've never met anybody who is offended by Christmas. And if they are? Too bad. This is a Christian country, and Christmas is celebrated throughout our culture. If it offends you, sod off somewhere that it isn't celebrated.

I can't say I've ever been offended by Ramadan, or Deepavali or anything. I used to install computers into Dry Cleaners (exciting life I lead, I know...) and one place shut up shop for prayers during the afternoon. No problem, I went to a local cafe and had a cup of coffee.

I've been to Malaysia at Christmas time. Their religions go something like this: Muslim, Bhuddist, Hindu, Christian. Yet at Christmas all the shops are adorned with lights and decorations. Christmas trees are everywhere, along with huge Happy Christmas signs. Offended? Nope.

The convenience shop around the corner from me is run by some Hindus, who have a little shrine to one of their Gods (Vishnu? The one with too many arms, anyway). And, you guessed it, the shop is decorated with Christmas spirit.

Christmas means everything to the kids. Lets remove the stupid grown-up political correctness and let them keep it.

And do you know the really, really, stupid thing? The school actually had a nativity play...


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