Nej's Natterings

Friday, December 15, 2006

Diana, RIP

In a change from it's usual headlines, the Daily Express today ran one about Princess Diana (those who don't read the Daily Express will need to note the sarcasm in that previous sentance).

But of course today was the big one - the results of the enquiry.

And guess what, it was all an accident.

Now, I don't necessarily subscribe to the whole conspiracy theory, although the evidence is reasonably compelling to believe that something is not right. The report didn't answer a bunch of the important questions, and ignored key witnesses to the events of that fateful night. Accident or not? We'll never know for sure. Mohommed Al Fayed is apopletic, understandably, and wants the truth to know what happened to his son. I would, too, in his situation. But he isn't going to get it.

This is the salient point here - the report was never going to say there was a conspiracy, was it? If it were MI5 that did the nasty deed, and it was reported as such, then the whole country would be in turmoil. The security services would be decimated and the government would fall. If the Royal Family were behind it, they would also fall. If it was proved to be the USA, or the French or whoever (all our allies), then international alliances (both trade and military) would be over.

There was no way in hell that report was ever going to say anything like this - even if it did happen. The consequences would have been too great, and the people behind it knew this from the start.

This raises the question of why do it? Well, there had to be an enquiry. She was far too important for it to go uninvestigated. If there was no investigation, there would be an outcry.

And now the report has been delivered, it doesn't answer all the questions - because it can't - so there is an outcry anyway.

They were damned if they do and damned if they don't.

I think it's time we leave her alone now, and let her family get on with their lives.


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