Nej's Natterings

Monday, November 27, 2006

Well Fair

Today in the news it is reported that £64billion is paid annually to those claiming benefits, and that these people are not required to seek work.

Basically, they live for free and money is thrown at them every week for them to do with as they please. Evidentally, something is fundamentally wrong here.

Every month I look at my pay slip - in fact I got one this morning - and am horrified by the amount of tax that I pay. The fact that a lot of this money goes towards subsidising the lifestyle of those lazy bastards that can't be bothered to work for a living really, really pisses me off. NHS? Fine. Education? No problem. Dole payments for those who are temporarily out of work? Again, this is Ok.

But those who just choose not to work and expect to be looked after? No way, Jose.

It is a problem caused by the fact that these days, nobody is allowed to be poor. In times gone by, if you didn't bother working, you didn't eat. You dressed in rags and lived in squalor. These days, being poor means you car is over ten years old, you only get twenty TV channels and you have to buy your Playstation games second hand.

Clearly, this is not poor. It is, however, funded by thee and me. I don't understand the justification for giving so much to so many, when they do nothing to benefit society. Worse, is that the problem self-replicates. The offspring of these people will do the same thing. Except that there will be more of them. Two parents breed more than two children, as they get more benefits for doing so. So those two will spawn, say, four. Those four will spawn sixteen. Those sixteen will spawn sixty-four. Within a few generations - and bear in mind these are short generations as they'll start breeding at a young age - this mere problem will have turned into a crisis.

Ok, there will be the occasional few who strive to do better, and don't see the ethics in sponging from the state all their lives, but most will learn from their parents. Soon, the pensions problem will be small potatoes compared to the welfare problem. There will be more out of work than actually working, and the system will be completely unsustainable.

THe obvious answer is to reduce benefits. But of course, the under-educated, work-shy population will suddenly be able to quote chapter and verse of the Human Rights Act (that useless and alarming piece of European legislation) and say they are being forced into poverty. Of course the fact that they actually belong there will escape them. Nobody would dare suggest they actually work for a living instead.

But, as usual, I have the answer. We will remove all benefits for the long-term unemployed (barring actual proper medical reasons, of course). Instead, they will be given everything they need. Need some new clothes? Go to the council clothes outlet, which will stock trendy, fashionable clothes. Well, trendy and fashionable in the 1970s anyway. It will not need to be brand new. If you truly need clothes, these will do. Food? Go to the council food outlet. Here you will be provided with healthy, nutritious ingrediants with which to cook your own meals. TV broken? No problem, an appropriate set will be provided. It will not be plasma or LCD, and it will only receive four channels (Channel 5 if you are lucky). You don't need more than that to watch Eastenders. You want a car? Sorry, no can do. Here's a free bus pass instead. You don't need an Ipod. A Playstation could perhaps be provided, as long as you have children. It'd keep them off of the streets, at least.

No money of any sort will be given out, but records will be kept of how much you have received to stop selling of clothes or TV sets. If your TV breaks down and you've already had one in the past couple of years, too bad. If you want a new one, go and earn some money and buy one. The amount of stuff you are allowed to receive for free will go down if you start earning. But of course you can buy whatever you like with your own cash. Incidentally, all credit will be declined for anyone on this system, to stop debts from being built up that are unpayable.

I've no doubt whatsoever that this system would send many spongers back to work. Then the tax bills of the decent, hard-working (well, at least working) people would go down and the economy would be far stronger.

And then perhaps England would become a decent place to live again.


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