Nej's Natterings

Friday, November 24, 2006

Border Control

The European Union, in a blatant act of having it's arms twisted, has decided that we can't have duty-free goods after all, and that any goods coming into the country will have that country's import duty levied upon it.

This is not the news I was hoping for, but exactly what Mr Brown wanted. I imagine he did a lot of the arm twisting.

He moaned that he would be left with a £10bn hole in his budget. Of course, he is missing the fact that if our duty wasn't so ridiculously high this wouldn't have been a problem in the first place.

It was said that income tax would have to rise 3p to cover the gap. Why? Why can't he do what we all have to do and make do without that extra. Ok, it's on a bigger scale, but frankly I'd imagine shaving £10bn off the spending budget would be quite easy, really. Getting rid of John Prescott would save a few million alone.

When my council tax goes up, or the interest rates go up taking my mortgage payment with it, or petrol goes up, I can't turn around and say to my employer, "Right, I'll need extra money now to cover it." because they'd tell me to put up or shut up. If we all remember that the government is employed by us, not the other way around, then we should be telling Mr Brown the same thing. If you don't like it, bugger off and work elsewhere. We'll elect a different government instead.

The other strange thing about this decision is that it begs the following question: What is the point of the European Union?

The way it seems at the moment is that we have all the cons, but none of the pros. We can't buy goods from abroad, but we can have hundreds of thousands of people coming here to claim benefits. We lose some of our law making abilities because Brussels over-rule us. We pay fortunes to the EU each year, so that French and Irish farmers can keep up their nice subsidies. We have to arrest our greengrocers for daring to sell things in pounds and ounces. There seems to be little in the way of benefits to us. The duty-free imports would have been one, but now we are still restricted to going abroad to buy them, which isn't worth the hassle, really. So now there are no benefits at all.

It seems our borders are only open to a certain degree.


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