Nej's Natterings

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Progressing well

Well, the good news is that the Loss Adjuster came today and has approved our claim with no problems. They are going to be replacing items rather than sending me a cheque, which is good because it saves me all the hassle of trying to find the best deal and shopping around and all that. They also said that you can normally upgrade on items with a good discount, so now I'm going to have to try and stop myself spending loads on upgrades I don't need!

As the window is still not fixed properly (although it is secured shut - the insurance guy said it's probably more secure now than normal!) they're going to get their own contractors onto the case as well in an effort to hunt down the part. If they fail, they'll just replace the window. Fair enough.

All in all I can't complain about the way it's been handled. They've been very professional and very quick. I reported it on Friday evening, and on Monday I spoke to them again. I got immediate permission to replace the Ipod for Jess and they said the Loss Adjusters would call within 36 hours. They called within 4 hours and managed to make a next-morning appointment for someone to come. He came on time, was nice, sorted it all efficiently out with no nonsense or fuss, approved the whole thing and is even going to get the cheque for the cash made out to Jess, which is nice and I think she'll appreciate that, as then she's getting "her" money back.

So, so far Axa have been good and get a thumbs up. It's a big relief knowing everything has been covered, as you sometimes hear of insurance companies doing everything they can to wriggle out of paying. They did try to charge £150 excess instead of the £100 on my policy documents, but I'll put that down as an administrative error for now.


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