I think I have done something to upset the God of Internet Shopping. Every major appliance I attempt to purchase from the internet somehow fails to arrive. Last time, it was www.appliancedeals.co.uk with my new fridge. This time, it was www.xomy.com with my new TV. I shall tell you my tale of woe...
As I mentioned last week, I recently purchased a Sony Playstation3, which is brilliant. However, my poor 3 year-old plasma TV is not high definition. So, naturally, I wanted to get one of those, too. After much research I decided upon a Samsung model. Further research ensued to decide where to buy it from. Keeping my Appliance Deals nightmare in mind, I didn't simply go for the cheapest retailer. Instead, I kept an eye on service, too, reading reviews of the websites and so on. In the end, I settled on Xomy for two reasons. First, I liked their website. Second, they had free next-day delivery. This suited me fine, so at the beginning of the week I arranged to have Friday off. I then ordered the TV on Wednesday evening, for a next working day delivery of Friday. Only it wasn't free delivery. It seems they've recently changed from free to £5 but haven't quite updated all of their website yet. Still, £5 is cheap for next-day deilvery so I wasn't too put off. I also ordered a new stand on Wednesday morning from www.standland.co.uk (excellent serice - highly recommended), which duly arrived at Ele's office on Thursday.
So, Friday morning I woke up all excited, and then settled down to tackle the ironing mountain, which whilst not quite of Everestian proportions, was a good Kilimanjaro at least.
The hours dragged past, and my set showed no sign of arriving. At half past three, Ele came home from work and decided to call them. And, suprise suprise, it wasn't coming. A system crash at the couriers apparantly. I am saying nothing as to whether that is true or not. The man (apparantly very pleasant and apologetic) then said that he guaranteed it would be there on Saturday morning, between 9am and midday.
Ok, that I can live with, but it's still annoying to have wasted a day of my holiday entitlement. So, on Saturday morning I work up all excited, and watched the hours start to drag by again. By eleven, I had decided it wasn't coming today either. We managed to get a list of the couriers that Xomy use and by calling them all discovered the one that was to deliver my new toy. They informed us it was down as a next-day delivery, not a weekend delivey, which meant Monday. At that point we told them to send it back to Xomy.
I'm not taking another day off work to wait for something that may or may not arrive. Indeed, I probably can't take a day off with no notice at all anyway. I could call in sick, but that would be dishonest. Besides, I've got things to do at work (like write blogs, ahem). The next few Saturdays are all booked up for me, so I'm afraid it was game over for Xomy.com. I sent them an email telling them to cancel the order. They've not replied as yet, and I've no idea if City Link tried to deliver it today or not. Under the Distance Selling regulations I can cancel if they don't deliver on the agreed day, so I wonder if I then cancel but it gets delivered anyway if I can keep it under the unsolicited goods clauses? Hmm...
Anyway, I then decided to just buy one from Comet. It was £70 more expensive (if you used their reserve-and-collect system. If you just walk into the store it's about £250 more!) but I could go and get it that day from the shop. So, we did. And it was very straightforward. Plus we got a £20 gift card with it, so that makes it only £50 more, really.
And now it's all set up on the nice new stand and looks fabulous. Motorstorm is just amazing.
The moral of the story is, do not buy anything from www.xomy.com if you want guaranteed next day delivery, because they may well not do as they "guarantee" they will.