Nej's Natterings

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Exposure to this colleague may cause irritation

What do you do when a colleague walks over to your desk, carrying an armful of equipment which he proceeds to dump onto your desk in a manner which suggests he intends you to make it work?

For this is what happened yesterday. There I was, minding my own business, when a bunch of kit gets dumped onto my desk. I decided to keep shtum and just carrying on with what I was doing in the hope that he might go away again, but unfortunately he didn't.

Said colleague fiddled with various bits for a few minutes, before finally asking if I had such-and-such. I've got such-and-such, I replied, but I haven't got a so-an-so to go with it.

Further conversation, and me stopping what I was doing (ok, ok, what I was supposed to be doing, even though I wasn't actually doing it at the time) ensued. About an hour later, we were done.

Now I wouldn't mind if he had walked over and said "Do you mind having a look at this?"; I'd have said yes. But not to be given an option I thought was a bit rude.

Later on, in the evening, there was a knock at the door from a courier firm who were delivering a bookcase-type thing for Joe that we had ordered. The conversation went like this:

Courier: "Sign here, please." handing me a clipboard with a delivery sheet on it.
Me: "Er, that's not my name, nor my address"
Courier: Checks package, "ah, you're Mr. X. What road is this?"
Me: "X Street"
Courier: "Ah, don't have a sticker for that. Sign there anyway."
Me: "I'm not signing next to someone else's name and address."
Courier: "Well, you'll have to."
Me: "No I won't. Get me something else to sign."
Courier: "But it's dark and I've parked awkwardly and it's cold and my feet are sore and there's a little bit of rain in the air and I really don't want to write a few words on another sheet."
Me: "Tough tits, I'm not signing for delivery next to somebody eles's name and address."
Courier: "Fine." Stomps off to car in a huff, returning and making a big show of filling in the sheet.
Me: "Thank you!"
Courier: "Bye, wanker."

Or something like that.

Whilst this was going on, Ele and Jess were tending to the dinner. Jess managed to leave a spoon in a dish which she put in the microwave and Ele managed to set fire to some paper that had been conveniently left next to the gas hob on the oven. However, the house didn't burn down and the microwave didn't explode nor trip out all the fuses in the house, so we'll call it a successful dinner.

Not the world's most interesting blog entry, but I'm feeling unwell so that's all you're getting.


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