Nej's Natterings

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy Birthday!

Reading back over the past few entries it seems I've done a lot of moaning.

So today's blog will be (almost) moan free. Then it'll get a little mushy.

I have to start by saying that I had to jump-start the car again this morning before taking it to the garage to be fixed again. When I got there I mentioned the steering lock doesn't work and could they check it. The man on reception wrote "check stearing lock" on the form. When a garage can't even spell steering correctly, you kind of lose all confidence that they can fix the car.

Then I got to work and got into the lift with two others. The lift decided that opening the doors at floors 3 and 4 was too much trouble, so it didn't. We were all quietly hopeful they would open on floor 5 but alas, they didn't. Fortunately one of the people I was in the lift with was one of the buildings maintenance guys and he radioed for assistance and we weren't stuck long.

Our house survived halloween without incident. We decided on a "turn off the lights and ignore the door-bell" policy, which worked quite well.

Now the mushy bit. Tommorow is the first birthday of my first-born! Joe will be one year old and I can't believe that it's come around so fast. I've taken tommorow off work to spend his birthday with him. Unfortunately the weather looks awfully cold for tommorow, despite the best efforts of the government to tell us that the world is inexorably warming up, so we'll have to do something indoorsy. I suppose I'll have to turn on all my household appliances and leave my car running 24/7 so that next year it might be a bit warmer.

He can now pretty much walk when he can be bothered, makes a kind of smacking yum-yum noise when he sees something he wants to eat (i.e. everything), gives kisses, can occasionaly force out a mama or dada, and is getting very good at saying duck. He also has just about doubled in height over the last year. If he keeps this rate of growth up he'll be about 1000 feet tall by his tenth birthday and looking forward to a career cleaning windows on high-rise office buildings.

He's also the cutest boy the world has ever seen. You may think me somewhat biased, but he really has got a really cute grin on him, and he is constantly using it. We frequently get people stopping us in the street because Joe has been beaming at them.

He really is the best thing ever and I pity those who choose not to have children. Obviously that's your own lifestyle choice but you really don't know what you are missing out on.

You simply don't know the meaning of love until you have a child of your own.


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