Nej's Natterings

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Nuclear Family

So, North Korea have worked out how to make a nuclear bomb, and Georgie Porgie Nuke-Em And Die Bush doesn't like it.

Now I understand that North Korea is not a particularly friendly country, and that it's run by a communist dictator with a severe case of Short Man Syndrome, but I can't help but think why shouldn't they have one?

The US has got them. We've got them. A few other countries have got them. Why shouldn't North Korea have them too? The guy running the place may be a bit mad but surely he has the right to defend his own country? (I'm talking about North Korea, not the US in that last sentance, but I'll understand if you were confused).

It seems the UN doesn't like anyone who gained their nuclear arsenal after the Cold War. It's too late to join the club now boys, just stand in the corner whilst we point our missiles at you and there's nothing you can do about it, mwaaa haaa haa haaaa.

North Korea is not going to use it. It knows that if it were to do so, it'd be raining nuclear fire in North Korea-town within about 10 minutes and that it'd be wiped out completely. It's all about political posturing. North Korea gets one basically because it will wind up the US. It also then has a decent weapon to hand should the US decide that, on balance, it's better if they run North Korea, not Mr Short Man.

The best bit though is that North Korea has said that they will enter talks to remove nuclear weapons only if the US does the same. Let's see the answer to that, Georgie-boy.


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