Nej's Natterings

Monday, October 09, 2006


I'm famous! A published author!

Well, I got a letter printed printed in the Daily Express today, the point of which was pretty much the subject of my last blog entry, concerning rubbish being charged by weight, when volume would be more appropriate.

Always nice to see one's name in print. Provided it's not in the obituaries. Then again, you'd probably not see that, unless my theories on no life after death turn out to be wrong.

It's a step up from my tirade against the stupidity of a certain local councillor in the local Guardian I suppose. I presume the next step will be a weekly column in a national newspaper, followed by the editorship of the Times and then soon not even Mr Murdoch (the businessman, not the A-Team guy) will be able to control me! World domination will be mine! It's about time, I've waited long enough.


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